Saturday, August 13, 2011

Packing it up

I'm going on leave in two days! I'm so excited! Warm weather, pictures to be taken, real BAGELS, my family, my boyfriend and cute shops and cafes to explore! I can't explain how nice it will be to wake up in the morning and say, "I think I'll go have a coffee and a bagel..." and then hop into the car and actually DO it! That's what I miss the most about living in San Francisco and San Diego... waking up, getting dressed and heading out to the corner coffee shop and knitting there while enjoying a scone. Army posts just aren't charming enough! ;-P lol

On Wednesday I received my very first scrap booking kit from Scrappy Happiness. I finished it yesterday! I really love it. It reminds me of my vintage suitcases.

I managed to tactically acquire Photoshop, and will hopefully have a more personal looking blog design soon. I haven't played with Photoshop or HTML/CSS in such a long time! I'm so rusty. When I was 16 I could make awesome web pages in a day, without the help of anyone. Alas, that was 10 years ago... I can't believe that much time has passed. I'll get the hang of it again!

~ 7 Things ~
~ 7 Places I would Like to Visit:

  1. Indonesia, for the Buddha monuments
  2. France, for the wine and the Louvre
  3. England, to hang out in London
  4. New Guinea, for the cannibals
  5. Japan, so I can see Tokyo this time!
  6. Italy, to hang out in Milan and to see the Sistine Chapel
  7. Greece, for the food
~ 7 Things I would Like to Make:
  1. Reupholster a vintage French tufted sofa
  2. Naan
  3. My own patterns for clothes
  4. Screen printed leggings
  5. An eggshell lacquered table
  6. An Etsy shop
  7. Artisan bread
~ 7 People I would Like to Meet:
  1. Renee Magritte
  2. Toulouse Lautrec
  3. Iggy Pop
  4. Joan Jett
  5. Sylvia Plath
  6. David Bowie
  7. RuPaul
~ 7 Things I would Like to Own:
  1. A matte black '55 Chevy sedan
  2. A die cut machine
  3. A kitten
  4. A California King snake
  5. A wood fire oven 
  6. A house that was converted from an old barn
  7. A dress form, fitted for me
~ 7 Things that Annoy Me:
  1. Chewing sounds
  2. When I can't wash the glue off my hands
  3. Doing dishes
  4. Alaska
  5. The Army
  6. Straightening my hair
  7. How all the really cute shoes always hurt your feet
~ 7 Films I Love:
  1. Donnie Darko
  2. Synecdoche NY
  3. Party Monster
  4. The Hours
  5. Office Space
  6. Secretary
  7. To Have and Have Not
~ 7 Funny Words:
  1. Google
  2. Booger
  3. Macrame
  4. Gobble
  5. Blobby
  6. Stingy
  7. Twinkle


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