Friday, July 5, 2013

Weekend Nail #6

The only thing keeping me from doing more nail designs is that we haven't had a long weekend in a while and I have to Photoshop the crap out of my fingers to make them look less gross. Should I spend the money on acrylic nails just to keep myself from picking at my cuticles? The times when I decide, yes, I will spend the money to help get my fingers back to normal, I end up only getting them filled maybe once before I take them off. Also I think the square tipped nails look tacky.  It's kind of difficult to explain to the manicurist what "short" means when you ask for acrylic or gel tips. They always want to give you super long nails, which I hate.
Enough complaining! I think I'll try it out next week and see how it works out.

Essie - Master Plan & Butler Please

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo I love that blue! I've actually never tried Essie polish, but I may have to get that shade!

    New follower via the blog hop :o)
