Friday, April 4, 2014

Baby Bump: 38 Weeks!

Weight Gain: 22 lbs

Belly Button? Innie and no stretch marks! Sweet! 

Feeling: Very happy! I'm on leave now, at least until the 15th. Hopefully she arrives on time! My brother and I both decided to arrive on our due dates so maybe she will be the same. 

Food I'm Missing: Wine. We just got some really nice handpainted wine glasses as a gift and I can't wait to use them.

Listening to: Songza Playlists, mostly mellow and indie stuff. I'm in love with that app and I think I will be using it in the hospital instead of making a playlist from my iTunes. I'm too lazy to find new music these days. 

Movement: She stuck her little foot out last night and it was pretty weird feeling!

Looking Forward to: My mom getting here! She is driving down next week and staying for a while to help out. I haven't seen her in over a year and a half.

We stopped at the War Memorial Park today because Joe wanted to check out the tanks. It's been nice and warm lately, almost hot, and I'm loving it. It's been so long since I lived in a warm place!