Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Weekend Nails #16

Somehow, in between feedings and diaper changes, I was able to paint my nails. It took two days to finish but I did it! I took the design from a pin on Pinterest. 

Essie - Turquoise & Caicos
Essie - Chinchilly
Essie - Butler Please
Maybelline Express Finish - Onyx Rush
L.A. Girl - Hot Pink
Colorstay Revlon - Always On Sealant

We took Ellie out on a pretty long car trip yesterday. It was pretty taking a newborn around! I wanted to go to Babies R Us in a town that is about an hour and fifteen minutes away and Joe wanted to go to the skatepark there. Ellie was pretty good the whole ride, sleeping most of the time, but when we got to the skatepark I realized she had wet herself through her clothes! I started to change her on the back seat of the car and it turns out she completely blew out her whole diaper! Poo was e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. Poor baby! It was quite the adventure.

The Babies R Us is really just a Toys R Us with a few aisles of baby stuff. We were looking for a bouncy chair and stuff for breastfeeding. Holy moley, let me say the breastfeeding is no joke! All the literature says it's not supposed to hurt... yeah. That's if you get it down perfectly from the beginning! If you happen to let the baby chew on you a few times you are pretty much screwed into being in excruciating pain every time they get hungry, which is pretty much all the time. But I won't go into anymore on that. Maybe one day I can write a post on how I triumphed over the challenge of breastfeeding.

My favorite part of the trip was carrying Ellie around in my woven wrap. She really loves it and sleeps the whole time. Everyone was asking me how old she was and commenting on how cute and tiny she was, and how she has so much hair. I don't think we will be making another big trip like that for a while though. By the time we got home and situated ourselves it was already 1 in the morning. 

We ended up picking out a 4moms Rock-a-Roo at Target and I am SO EXCITED about it! I had been looking at the 4moms baby gear for a while but it was all out of my price range. Lucky for us my mom agreed to split the cost with me. I think I may write a separate review for it once we've had it for a little while.

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