About Me

Visiting Seward, Alaska.

Hi! My name is Sarah Grace Ottati and I currently live in Louisiana. If you've been looking around my blog you probably have noticed that I have a partner, Joe, and a baby girl named Ellie. The queen of the house, whom I named this blog after, is Misses Peacock, our senior kitty we adopted in Alaska. We also have an adopted pup named Murray, who is half great dane, half boxer and would love to lay his head on you all day if you let him.

That's the princess kitty!

I grew up in New York and since I moved away I've travelled a lot and lived all around the country, including Guam, Las Vegas, San Francisco, San Diego, Texas, Missouri and Anchorage, Alaska. Joe and I started our journey together when we met in New York after I graduated from boot camp. We had a long distance relationship for two years before he moved up to Alaska. When I got my orders to move to Louisiana we packed up our things and our kitty and took an epic road trip through the Yukon and down the west coast. I LOVE and good road trip and it was pretty much the best thing ever.

Checking out the petrified wood forest in Arizona on our road trip.

Not only have I moved around a lot, I've also been lucky enough to have been able to see the world. I've been to Japan, Israel, Egypt, the Caribbean islands, Bermuda, Mexico and Canada. I can't wait for my next big trip! My most memorable travel moment was riding a camel through the Sahara to see the great pyramids in Egypt. It was nighttime and the pyramids and sphinx were lit up with multicolored lights. It was pretty amazing. I can't go to places like that now that I have a baby, but I hope we can plan a trip to another awesome place so I can share the joy of travel with my family.

Our little family.
Besides travelling, I try my hand at crafts like knitting, scrapbooking, sewing, painting, cross stitch and interior design when I have the time. I also love to bake bread! It's tricky but worth it. My favorite way to relax is to grab a glass of wine and bake a loaf of bread while listening to some chill indie music.

My blog is just a personal space for me to share my life. I have been featured in a couple places, like parenting.com. Do you have a blog? I would love to swap sidebar buttons! 

You can contact me by email here.
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