This Saturday was full of fun times! I went shopping with the girls, hung out with cute babies and best of all it's Pride weekend! The first pride I ever went to was in San Francisco, but lets face it, every day in San Francisco is Pride. Nothing could really beat that parade. I went to one in Las Vegas and it seemed there were just as many protesters as supporters. The Anchorage Parade had no protesters at all! It was small but still really fun and full of great people and organizations. Pride is like Christmas to me!
Drag Kings |
The Grand Marshall |
Dykes on Bikes! |
Girls Rugby |
After the parade we went over to little Marley's second birthday party in the park. Mary made cupcakes and Marley found a boyfriend in the playground.
That night I babysat for a friends daughter, Elle. We watched Care Bears and built castles and drew pictures. I love babysitting :)
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